Reliable and Unpredictable

Reliable and Unpredictable

Reliability means consistently delivering on expectations, and building trust through dependability. Predictability is being easy to anticipate based on past behavior, often following a fixed pattern. Reliable actions can adapt to situations, while predictable ones are more rigid and expected.


Humans predict. It’s how we’re built. But too much predictability is dull. Predictable shows, games, movies, and people bore us. They lack wonder.

Imagine playing a game on easy mode. There’s no challenge or thrill. Predictable people are the same. You know what they’ll say and do. Monotony kills fun.

Monotony kills innovation. It works for companies where employees are a cog in a machine. But a true tech company has smart creatives where individuals are empowered to make decisions.


It’s frustrating when friends are unreliable. But you adjust and expect less. If they show up, great. If not, no big deal. Unreliable friends can still be friends, but they’re not your first call in times of need.

At work, companies need consistency. Unreliable workers cause chaos. The occasional allowed exception is the rare “aberrant genius” who outperforms everyone. The salesman who closes the biggest deals, but you can’t trust them to update the CRM. The 10x engineer who doesn’t work that day because the ops team forgot his favorite snack. 

Aberrant geniuses must consistently outperform to justify their tenure. The cost of their unreliability is often poisonous to an organization. They wreck processes and damage culture.

The Sweet Spot

The best is reliable and unpredictable. Reliability gives stability. Unpredictability adds creativity. 

This duality strengthens bonds. Reliable friends and partners build trust. Unpredictable gestures keep things fresh. Spontaneous trips, surprise gifts, unexpected kindness. They all add spark.

At companies, a reliable yet unpredictable approach fuels novelty. Teams meet deadlines and deliver quality work. But they also embrace new ideas and frameworks. This culture drives success.

In entertainment, a TV show must deliver consistent quality and follow known characters and story structure. But it’s the plot twists and turns that keep viewers hooked.

In games, smooth design is essential (intuitive controls, consistent feedback, clear objectives). But random events and challenges make games memorable. It’s not a coincidence that nearly every game has what gamers call a random number generator (RNG) component.

In technology, reliability ensures an intuitive user experience. But unpredictable innovation keeps users engaged. New features and updates excite and intrigue users– think Apple product launches.

Reliable and Unpredictable

Stability with a touch of surprise keeps us engaged. This duality makes life, relationships, and work truly enjoyable. Be reliable and unpredictable, and surround yourself with others who are as well. It makes life more fun.

At Ender, we embody this balance of reliability and unpredictability in our approach to real estate technology. We’re committed to delivering a dependable platform that our clients can trust, ensuring their operations run smoothly and efficiently. At the same time, we’re constantly innovating, introducing new features and tools that surprise and delight our users. This blend of stability and creativity drives our success, allowing us to meet our clients’ needs and exceed their expectations, keeping them engaged and excited about what’s next.