Ender Core Values: Fearless
Fearlessness is a core value our leaders will always need. It will hit against others, even internal to our organization. We default to action. We default to speed. This is a double edged sword, but it’s how we operate.
Ender Core Values: Autonomous Superstars
Being autonomous means you’re constantly learning, improving upon your craft. You seek feedback to improve upon yourself. You ruthlessly prioritize. Deliberate practice is your norm. You’re autonomous because you take responsibility. You’re an autonomous superstar because you care about results.
Ender Core Values: Competition
The origin of the word compete means to strive together. We strive together to build something far larger than any individual could create.
10 Kinds of Proptech: Utilizing Real Estate
Tech is making real estate better. It’s making real estate more accessible. Check out this 10,000 ft overview to get a handle on the space.
The Real Estate Software Game
Real estate is the largest asset class in the world. For good reason. No matter how humanity progresses, we’ll always need shelter in some form. It behooves us to optimize our shelters– the construction, the operations, and the businesses that operate real estate. The more efficient we are in each of these areas, the more…